Homebrew Video Games

The "Background" NES Demo

Small homebrew demos made for the Nintendo Entertainment System and Nintendo DS

NES Source Code: https://github.com/andrade824/Homebrew-NES-Development

NDS Source Code: https://github.com/andrade824/Homebrew-NDS-Development

During my sophomore year of college I really got into wanting to build my own video games. To this end, I taught myself 6502 Assembly and started learning how to program the Nintendo Entertainment System (yes, the console from 1985). I also wanted to try my hand at handheld video game programming so I learned how to make some basic Nintendo DS applications. Below, you'll find the fruits of my efforts.

NES Homebrew

Small homebrew (handwritten in 6502 assembly) NES demos. Tested on both an emulator and an actual NES through a NES EverDrive.

Assembled with NESASM3.

Demo List:

  • Sprites - Displays a couple static sprites onto the screen
  • MultiSprite - Creates a mario character out of multiple sprites and lets you move the character around with the D-Pad
  • Background - Includes the mario character as before as well as utilizing multiple background tiles

A simple NDS drawing application

If you want to try out the demos, you can play them in your favorite NES emulator (I personally prefer jnes).

NDS Homebrew

Homebrew Nintendo DS demos developed in C for the ARM processor built into the Nintendo DS original and lite

Compiling and linking these demos requires the libnds library included in the devkitPro toolchain.

Demo List:

  • ColorTest - Displays red in the top screen by default. If you press and hold X, it displays blue. Hold A and it displays green
  • StarFieldDemo - Displays a horizontal scrolling starfield across the screen (randomly generated at runtime)
  • SimpleDraw - A basic drawing application. Use the A/Y/X buttons to change the color, and use the bottom screen to draw.

You can run these demos in your favorite Nintendo DS emulator (my personal preference is DeSmuME).